Support for relative dimming (as defined e.g. for KNX)

Started by DerHunter


Some home automation systems (like KNX) implement relative dimming in the following way:

  • When pressing and holding a button, the telegram "start dimming up/down" is send.
  • When releasing the button, the telegram "stop dimming" is send.

Currently, this is not compatibe to the relative dimming in the nanoleaf API since you can only send a command for e.g. -10 brightness. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use this function by just sending continuous relative dimming commands to the API since the latency of the API or network is not fast enough. When trying to dim from 0% to 100% within e.g. one second and each API call take 200ms, you only have 5 steps, 20% each, which does not make a smooth and responsive dimming possible.

The API (and firmware) should be able to allow the above commands to start the dimming down and up and continue the dimming darker or brighter until the min/max is reached or the stop command is received.

1) User hold button and dimming command is send to API by home automation system
2) Nanoleaf starts the dimming and …
3) … the dimming continues (without any further interaction) until …
4) … the user releases button and the stop dimming command is send to API by home automation system.

Edit: I am mainly interested in this for the skylights but it might help others too