So there are flexi connectors. How about 1m, 2m and 3m connecting cables so that we can send off satellite panels. I think it would expand creativity exponentially. I tried using 2 connectors and 4 bits of ethernet cable and gorilla tape. Nada, not a thing : ( I think maybe the cables slipped off the contacts.
Ah sorry, I see somebody already started this topic a few weeks ago.
Hi…as per my knowledge Doubling or tripling up pins/wires will take care of the current limitations, and you can get twisted pair ribbon cable that will help with crosstalk problems -the only one that matters is PWM singals to power fans and heaters, and motor noise coupling into thermistor inputs. The problem is none of those cables are meant to be flexed regularly. What you really need is a flex ribbon type cable like the ones used to make connections to print heads in inkjet printers. They will withstand flexing millions of times without failure. There are a lot of companies that make such cables, and you can buy the stuff in bulk, but then you have the problem of putting connectors on it.