I'm a Hobby Software Developer and I'm trying to find Beta Testers for a NanoLeaf Controller.
So basically you can connect with the Controller to the Twitch Chat and define Triggers like Subs or Hosts/Raids and/or
Chat Commands like !effect and the NanoLeaf will react to it. So what i'm aksing is … would you maybe try it out and
help me find Bugs and maybe Improve it? I know installing a Piece of Software from a complete Stranger is like getting Candy
from a creepy Guy on the Street. But honestly i just wanna create Software for Streamers and this is my first "Piece".
I would be happy about an Answer. Even if its a "No". Maybe you know other Streamers with these Lights i can ask.
For more Informations: http://www.locxserv.de/nanotwitchleafs/