Lines power warning limit brightness

Started by Psycrow


Last month i got the "limit power warning" on 77 % brightnes.
So i contacted Nanoleaf support and they helped me to sort it out adding a 3rd power adapter that i was shipped.
But before i got the adapter then there was a update to the nanoleaf app that removed this warning. So i dont know if it was a fake warning or if my lines actualy runs 77 % since its hard to see if its 77 % or 100 % Not much brightnes compared.

But i dident install the 3rd power adapter yet since the warning was gone. Now there was another update for the app recently and now the power warning is back. I did update my firmware that should fix it also. But i just find it strange that an app update sort of fixed it at first…

I realy want to wait to install the 3rd power unit and see what happens before i add another wire. I prefer less wires and clean looks.

But i hope this gets noted about the app versions and the fix.