IFTTT Service Problems?

Started by wtf


It looks like I had a single fail on May 27, a normal completion on May 28 in the afternoon, then all fails since May 28 evening.


I use Android but I am just looking at the ifttt.com site. I am getting 'applet failed' in history and 'We can't access your service' if I go to configure an app which uses Nanoleaf service.


Based on your related post http://forum.nanoleaf.me/forum/community-support/android-app-won-t-open this looks to be the cause. Once you've reestablished the app connections (and logged in if you arent), you should be able to get IFTTT working again. You may need to re-select the proper effect/scene through IFTTT.

We're working on a fix for your crashing app, but you can likely work around in the near term by using the API to delete the custom Effect you added.