Custom Effect Max Transition time

Started by Niick


Hi, I'm trying to do the following:
My shapes should light up in specific colors and fade out after 1 hour. This is my animData for testing purposes:
"animData": "1 {{panelId}} 3 0 0 0 0 -1 255 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 36000"
For testing my one panel should light up red over the course of 3 seconds and then fade out to black over the course of 1 hour (T=36000, 1T is 100ms). For some reason the red color fades out really quickly.
Is there an undocumented upper limit to what can provided as the transition time?


Many systems have practical limits on how long transitions can last. While you intend for a fade-out to last 1 hour (36000 T), some controllers or firmware might not support such long durations. Check the documentation for your specific hardware or software to see if there's a maximum time limit.