30+ Panels

Started by AlaskanMetal


I have a huge wall in my apartment that I would like to fill with more than 30 panels. Currently I have 38 nanoleaf panels separated into two groups and controlled by two different controllers. I can easily control them with my iphone.
I would like to put all of these together and make one big group and have them all synced up together.
I sent nanoleaf support an email to see if it could be done and they said it could be done, but you have to do some coding.

Here is their suggestion:

Because the Aurora controller can only support up to 30 panels, you will need to set up 2 different configurations. From there, the best way to allow them to function as one set is to utilize the OpenAPI and the documentation is found at http://forum.nanoleaf.me/forum (just sign in and opt in as a developer to access it). You will need a bit of coding know how in order to best implement that at this time.

Has anyone done this? I’m not educated on coding so it is Greek to me. Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you csuchland. I’ll give this a try. I was about to hook them all up to see if they would work anyway. But evidently there may be a way to hook up multiple controllers with a wall full of panels according to Nanoleaf. I can see all sorts of commercial applications for this. Nightclubs, bars, etc.